Procedure, Cost, Types, and Benefits of Dental Bridges


Dental bridges are used in general and restorative dentistry to close a gap or gaps left by missing teeth. They are placed as false teeth that are held into place by abutment teeth adjacent to both sides of the prevailing gap.

Dental bridges, also called pontics, are made of two or more dental crowns for the adjacent teeth, plus a false middle tooth to fill the gap left by the missing tooth/teeth. Once in place, they are strong and reliable for use. They also have a natural feel and much similar to your natural teeth.


The main types of dental bridges available at Tamarack Dental Associates are:

Traditional Bridges

This is the most popular type of dental bridge. It’s a false tooth that is cemented on two dental crowns side by side and bonded with abutment teeth. If your dentist recommends a dental bridge for you, you are most likely to get a traditional bridge. Porcelain and Porcelain-Fused-Metal (PFM), gold, and resins are used to make conventional bridges.

Cantilever Bridges

Dentists use this type of bridge if the adjacent tooth is only on one side of the gap being bridged. Its stability depends on the one side that is cemented to an abutment tooth. Dentists in Altus OK don’t recommend cantilever bridges for back teeth because they can cause too much pressure to the attached tooth and damage it. They are also not as common compared to traditional bridges.

Maryland-bonded tooth bridges (Resin Bonded Bridges)

This type of dental bridge is made mainly of porcelain, PFM, and at times plastic that’s been braced by a framework made of porcelain or metal. The metal or porcelain is bonded only on one side of the gap to an existing tooth.

Maryland Bridges are similar to traditional bridges, but the only difference is they use a metallic or porcelain framework instead of a dental crown. Just like traditional bridges, Dentists in Altus OK only use them when there are adjacent teeth on both sides of the gap left by the absent tooth.

Implant-Supported Dental Implant

The name itself suggests implant-braced bridges use dental implants, unlike the other two, which use frameworks and crowns. They are deemed the strongest and most long-lasting type of bridges. Dentists can suspend the pontic between two implant-supported dental crowns.

To install them, two types of surgeries are performed:

  • The first involves a procedure to insert and bond the implant to the jawbone

  • A second procedure to put the bridge into place follows

This procedure can take a few months until full completion.


Dental Bridges costs vary differently depending on the type of bridges and other factors which include:

  • The size of the gap.

  • Materials used to make the bridge. These include porcelain ceramics, resin, metal alloy, or Zirconia.

  • The difficulty of the procedure

  • If there are extra treatments like gum disease

  • Your geographic location

Depending on the type of bridge, Implant-Reinforced bridges are the most expensive for a single bridge followed by Traditional and Cantilever Bridges. Maryland Dental bridges are the least expensive among the four.


The frequency of use of dental bridges in Altus OK can be attributed to the benefits they come with, namely:

  • They are a good method of replacing missing teeth. Dental Bridges have the benefit of providing both mechanical and aesthetic advantages.

  • Dental Bridges fill the gap left after the missing teeth improving your appearance and self-esteem. This is especially for patients who feel uncomfortable with gapped jawlines.

  • Dental Bridges in Altus OK reinforce the teeth to which they are attached for support. The supporting teeth are made firmer hence less likely to loosen or suffer irregular bites.

  • Since dental bridge treatments don’t involve jaw bone operation, except for the implant type, they help to preserve the jawbone, so the facial structure is not changed.

  • They are easy to maintain and are comfortable once they are in the mouth intact. It takes a short time to get used to the feel of the restoration. After that, you barely even notice they are there as they bond with your tooth structure.

  • You don’t have to regularly remove your bridge for washing. Brush them like your natural teeth. This saves you time.

  • The ability to chew, smile, and speak properly is restored by restorative dentistry near you.


How sturdy the dental bridge is, depends on the strength of the adjacent teeth on which it is attached to. Maintaining healthy oral hygiene after the procedure is consequently not an option. Daily floss your teeth and brush at least twice a day.

You can also use sterile mouthwash to keep out gum disease and tooth decay. Consult your dentist also for the best diet to stay on while recovering from the treatment.

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